Thursday, December 19, 2013

Start the New Year with a Solid Sustainability Strategy

Welcome, everyone. Yesterday, I presented a webinar on Materiality – Prioritizing Sustainability in Your Strategic Business Plan. There was a great turnout and a lot of good questions. If you missed the webinar or want to view it again, the video is available below. In the presentation, I expanded on the videos I released earlier this month (Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits in Your Organization and Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy) and discussed how to evaluate factors that are material to your company.

Start the New Year out strong by developing a solid sustainability plan that supports your overall organizational objectives. Our next video series, set to launch in January, will be Formulating the Framework – Designing Your Corporate Responsibility Program. I will demonstrate how to develop your specific sustainability program based on the information you would have gathered from benchmarking and understanding material issues. This action-oriented series will enable you to evaluate what is most important to the continued success of your business. The series will follow a similar format as this month’s, with a live webinar scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, and you can register here.

As mentioned in the webinar, I will be hosting a seminar titled Corporate Responsibility Revolution: Strategy to Success in 2014. This interactive full-day seminar, scheduled for May 7, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA will provide a roadmap to develop and implement an effective Corporate Responsibility plan that supports a successful business strategy. The videos and webinars I am releasing should be used as prerequisite learning for this seminar and provide a core understanding and steps to advance your business. Registration is open for May’s seminar, and you can find more information on it here.

Be sure to subscribe to the blog (top right) to get email notification of my video releases and future webinars to continue building upon the content I have released. Also, use the link below for more details on the seminar and reserve your spot today. Have a happy and safe holiday!

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


Catch up on my videos:
  1. Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits in Your Organization
  2. Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy

Welcome everyone. This week we continue the December series Materiality – Prioritizing Sustainability in Your Strategic Business Plan. Last week’s video was about identifying the “material” factors – the factors that are crucial to the continued survival of your organization. The video this week, titled Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy (below), builds off of the understanding of materiality and covers how to develop Corporate Responsibility goals that support organizational objectives.

In the video, I provide sample sustainability goals and talk about those that we have in place at my consulting firm, Sustainable SolutionsCorporation. One of our goals specifically addresses our human resources. As a consulting firm, we rely heavily on our talented team, so this factor is highly material to our success. Focusing on our social impacts supports our company by continuously developing our team and growing as a cohesive unit.

Today, every organization needs to develop and integrate Corporate Responsibility goals into its culture. Utilizing a triple bottom line focus allows organizations to better prepare for the changing global economy. The companies that do are often industry leaders and realize significant economic benefit from doing so.

During the live webinar scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, we will further explore assessing materiality in your organization and developing goals that support a successful business plan. This webinar will provide the opportunity for you to ask specific questions and will also discuss material concerns that are often overlooked. 

Make sure to subscribe to my blog by providing your email in the top right corner to receive email updates and be the first to get new video releases. I look forward to seeing you on the webinar.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


Did you miss last week’s video? Watch it here.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits Your Organization

Welcome back, everyone. In this month’s video and webinar series, Materiality – Prioritizing Sustainability in Your Strategic Business Plan, I will provide my insight on the topic of materiality and identifying how Corporate Responsibility can be key to sustaining your business. The first video in this series, Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits Your Organization (below), focuses on recognizing material issues in your company.

The concept of materiality originated with corporate financial reporting. As the global economy expands and we continue to impact the environment on such a large scale, investors are looking to organizations to disclose sustainability information that goes beyond economic impacts to include the social and environmental concerns facing companies. Recognizing that every business is reliant on these sources, long-term planning requires consideration of all the factors that can pose risks or create opportunities for a company.

I included an example in the video (which you can also view here) of Nestlé’s materiality matrix. Nestlé has done a tremendous job of identifying and classifying  areas of focus. By assessing each issue based on its impact to Nestlé’s business operations against those of most concern to stakeholders, Nestlé has clearly prioritized each issue. Creating a matrix like this one for your company is a necessary step in developing Corporate Responsibility goals to maximize return on investments and ensure long-term viability.

We will examine the materiality matrix further during the live webinar scheduled for Tuesday, December 17. In the next video in this series, I will be covering Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy, which will build upon this topic and demonstrate how to develop Corporate Responsibility goals that will provide organizational value.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP
