Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Meeting Sustainability Objectives with Internal and External Collaboration

Welcome, everyone. Since the October webinar, Strengthening Internal Support for Sustainability Initiatives, will be held next Thursday (October 9), I am releasing both of the lead-in videos today. This series is all about ensuring the success of your corporate responsibility program. The videos, below, and upcoming webinar focus on managing the critical factors that will deliver optimal performance and return on investment.

The first video is about building internal support for your sustainability initiatives. In order to gain momentum, support is needed from all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, executive management, customers, and suppliers. Executive buy-in is essential for budgetary purposes; but for sustainability to be truly embedded in the corporate culture, it is necessary to engage all employees.

The second video builds upon stakeholder engagement by discussing the importance of collaboration, both internally and externally. Internal collaboration stems from engaging and empowering employees. Getting everyone involved helps foster unique perspectives and innovation to meet organizational goals. External collaboration can include working with suppliers, customers, and yes, even competitors. These partnerships help drive far-reaching sustainability objectives and can have a measurable impact.

Next week, I will expand upon these topics and provide further guidance on successful implementation of your sustainability program. As always, there will be time at the end of the presentation for questions, so come prepared with any challenges you are facing and I can directly address your needs. If you would like to access any of my other resources, check out my website. Thanks for following along!

– Tad Radzinski, PE, LEED AP, SFP


  1. Register for next week’s webinar
  2. View my other educational resources
  3. Don’t forget to register for the January 2015 seminar 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Strengthening Internal Support for Sustainability Initiatives

Welcome, everyone. Yesterday I presented the Formulating the Framework – Designing Your Corporate Responsibility Program. There was a great turnout on the webinar and some very engaging questions. If you missed the presentation or want to watch it again, it has been recorded and can be found embedded in this post (below) or on my YouTube channel.

In October, I will continue along in the video series with videos and a webinar pertaining to ensuring effective implementation of your sustainability plan. This is critical because even the best laid plans can fall flat without proper execution. One component that is vital to the success of your plan is to gain internal support for sustainability initiatives of all stakeholders. On October 9, I will be leading a webinar, Strengthening Internal Support for Sustainability Initiatives, which will empower you to get managers, executives, shareholders, and employees on board with your sustainability program. Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure your plan’s success.

As I mention in the webinar below, the seats for my January 28 seminar are filling up, so make sure you register now! Check out the seminar page on my website for more information and to hear the realized results of past attendees.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


  1. Register for the next webinar 
  2. Check out my YouTube Channel
  3. Learn more about the seminar

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Making Sustainability a Win-Win Strategy

Welcome, everyone. One week from today is this month’s webinar, Formulating the Framework – Designing Your Corporate Responsibility Program. As a lead into this topic, I am releasing the second video in the series (below), titled Creating Compounding Returns. This video focuses on an important aspect of creating a successful, long-term sustainability program, securing continued financial backing and increasing returns. If your Corporate Responsibility budget is limited or the advancement of a sustainability plan is based on quantifiable results, this is an especially important topic.

Creating Compounding Returns is about first finding the “quick wins” that provide cost savings or deliver sources of revenue in your sustainability program. Successfully implementing this system bolsters management support and provides additional funds that can be reinvested. Funding sustainability through sustainability establishes a system where the return on investment and your program grow collectively.

For years, I have helped organizations design their sustainability plans to utilize savings from operational improvements to fund further sustainability initiatives. This video offers doable first steps to identify and implement quick wins; and we will examine this topic in depth in the September 25 webinar. Be sure to subscribe to the blog (top right) to receive updates on posts and other complimentary resources. Also, if you want to get up-to-date the program, you can view all the previous video and webinar series on my YouTube channel.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


  1. Catch up on past videos
  2. Register for the webinar
  3. Learn more about me and my program

Friday, September 12, 2014

Designing Sustainability to Further Business Objectives

Welcome, everyone. In preparation for my upcoming webinar in two weeks, Formulating the Framework – Designing Your Corporate Responsibility Program, I am building upon last month’s Materiality series with the video below. This video, titled Assessment to Action, focuses on using the insights gained from benchmarking, materiality assessments, and stakeholder surveys to develop your plan to address each challenge and opportunity identified.

At this stage, it is critical to address the aspects you have determined as material to designing an effective sustainability program that bolsters your existing business strategy. This will ensure that sustainability goals do not conflict with business interests, but are aimed at protecting those interests. In the video, I use Ford as an example to demonstrate how materiality assessments have dictated the priority of its sustainability goals and initiatives.

If you haven’t already, I invite you to sign up for the webinar on September 25; you can do so by clicking here. Also, these video and webinar series are all going to culminate at my January 28 seminar in Philadelphia. Seats are going quickly for this hands-on event, so make sure you reserve your space now to take advantage of the Early Bird discount. For more information on the seminar, click here.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


  1. Register for the webinar on September 25
  2. Ford’s Materiality Matrix
  3. Learn more about January’s seminar
  4. Catch up on previous videos