Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits Your Organization

Welcome back, everyone. In this month’s video and webinar series, Materiality – Prioritizing Sustainability in Your Strategic Business Plan, I will provide my insight on the topic of materiality and identifying how Corporate Responsibility can be key to sustaining your business. The first video in this series, Identifying How Corporate Responsibility Fits Your Organization (below), focuses on recognizing material issues in your company.

The concept of materiality originated with corporate financial reporting. As the global economy expands and we continue to impact the environment on such a large scale, investors are looking to organizations to disclose sustainability information that goes beyond economic impacts to include the social and environmental concerns facing companies. Recognizing that every business is reliant on these sources, long-term planning requires consideration of all the factors that can pose risks or create opportunities for a company.

I included an example in the video (which you can also view here) of Nestlé’s materiality matrix. Nestlé has done a tremendous job of identifying and classifying  areas of focus. By assessing each issue based on its impact to Nestlé’s business operations against those of most concern to stakeholders, Nestlé has clearly prioritized each issue. Creating a matrix like this one for your company is a necessary step in developing Corporate Responsibility goals to maximize return on investments and ensure long-term viability.

We will examine the materiality matrix further during the live webinar scheduled for Tuesday, December 17. In the next video in this series, I will be covering Creating Sustainability Goals that Supplement Your Business Strategy, which will build upon this topic and demonstrate how to develop Corporate Responsibility goals that will provide organizational value.

– Tad Radzinski PE, LEED AP, SFP


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