Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What is the Driver Behind Corporate Sustainability?

Happy Earth Day, everyone! I have been travelling a lot lately and have been engaging in many discussions at events and online. Recently, I was asked a question about corporate intent for integrating sustainability. They were wondering whether, in general, companies are seeking sustainability because it is the latest buzz word, or because there is a true awakening to the need for advanced business practices. This question was specifically posed about the auto industry, but I believe it translates over to many other product and service sectors.

I believe that there are really two ends of the spectrum when defining the reasons for corporate response to sustainability. Sustainability may be a buzz word in some industries, but there are many forward-thinking organizations that realize that, in order to ensure long-term success, they need to evolve their current business practices. These companies understand that they cannot continue doing business the old way and are often leading their industries in both innovation and profits. There are others, however, that use sustainability as a short-term marketing strategy to capitalize on market demand, rather than moving the needle and providing real value.

In my 30+ years working closely with companies in developing and implementing sustainability programs, I have found that, the more an organization commits to sustainability, the greater the reward. Sustainability fosters a long-term strategic focus and, in that respect, organizations that view sustainability as an investment stand to create lasting value.

Hopefully, while you all take time to reflect on this Earth Day, you think about your organization and the benefits sustainability adds to your long-term strategy. If you want to hear more about using sustainability to support your business strategy, register for my webinar next week, Critical Crash Course on Corporate Responsibility.

Keep posting comments, subscribe to my blog for future updates (by providing your email address at the top right), and check out my website and LinkedIn groups for great discussions and other resources.

– Tad Radzinski, PE, LEED AP, SFP

  1. See more resources on my website
  2. Sign up for next week’s webinar
  3. Connect with me on LinkedIn
  4. Check out my recorded webinars and videos on my YouTube Channel

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