Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What's Missing from Your Sustainability Program?

Welcome, everyone. I strongly believe that business/industry must lead the way in creating a paradigm shift in sustainability. The key to getting corporations on board is training. I believe that, to truly make progress, training needs to go beyond raising awareness; it must empower people to move the needle. Much of the sustainability training available in the market today is more theory-based, and lacks specific, actionable steps.

The issue with the training and education I have seen to date is that raising awareness merely establishes the problem, but doesn’t provide real solutions. Corporate Sustainability programs often fall short without clear direction. Companies can see the end goal, but fail to reach it without the appropriate knowledge and tools. Without forward movement, organizational commitment wanes and sustainability falls to the wayside.

Having worked in this industry for 30+ years, I have found that the best way to alter behavior and opinions toward sustainability is to demonstrate the tangible benefits to people. In my corporate consulting firm, we often encounter resistance toward changing a system that works; but once a green process is proven to be a sound and financially beneficial option, attitudes shift.

I see a real need for action-oriented sustainability training to help conscious corporations deliver on their sustainability goals and achieve measurable value. In that regard, I have developed my upcoming seminar to provide cutting-edge, relevant information and the tools to drive your sustainability program. Watch the video below and learn how you can be at the forefront of your industry, capture market share, and stay profitable with sustainability. There are only 4 weeks left until the seminar, so reserve your spot now!

– Tad Radzinski, PE, LEED AP, SFP

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