Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Corporate Responsibility Revolution: Strategy to Success

Welcome, everyone. Yesterday, I presented the 6th webinar leading up to the seminar on May 7. The video for yesterday’s webinar, Vision to Value – The Profit in Corporate Responsibility, can be viewed below. For those of you who have been following along over the past few months, we have covered the entire process of designing and implementing a sustainability strategy.

The intent of the videos and webinars was to provide you with action-oriented information that will help you advance your sustainability initiatives. To take things to the next level with your Corporate Responsibility program, I strongly recommend attending my seminar. It is designed to be specific to each attendee so you will get the most value possible. The seminar schedule outlines the main stages in developing and implementing a sustainability program; however, the final content will be determined by the attendees and their particular needs. We have limited the number of attendees to enable us to work personally with each participant on their specific sustainability goals and initiatives throughout the day.

Accompanying me in the instruction and workshops will be my entire team from Sustainable Solutions Corporation and GreenCircle Certified, LLC. Our team prides ourselves in delivering comprehensive sustainability expertise that will allow you to directly address your initiatives and concerns. For instance, if product life cycle concerns are a focus, our Corporate Sustainability team, which includes two Life Cycle Assessment Certified Professionals, will help develop your action plan. If reducing energy within your facilities is a priority, our Sustainable Buildings and Operations staff will be there to help you and other attendees better understand their buildings and develop steps to improve performance.

Additionally, you will be among individuals who have gone through similar situations. Having real-world success stories and learning from actual challenges others have overcome will help you in defining and meeting your goals. Seats are filling up quickly, so register for the seminar here now!

– Tad Radzinski, PE, LEED AP, SFP


  1. Register forthe Seminar
  2. Catch up onpast videos

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